What we do

We provide executive coaching, team coaching, consulting, facilitation and mediation services to a wide variety of organisations and individuals.
 All of our services are bespoke.

We have a strong professional network and  work closely with other independent consultants, coaches and professionals.  When appropriate, we are able to put together a team made up of the right people with the necessary strengths for a given assignment in order to meet your needs.

 If you are a consultant looking for additional resource,  we are very open to opportunities to work with you as part of your team on an associate basis. 

We'd love to hear from you to explore any opportunities for us to work together.  Our contact details are here.
Executive coaching
One to one coaching, providing a confidential space to enable you to explore and clarify your thinking,  reach conclusions, make decisions and review how you're getting on with putting those decisions into practice.

Examples of our consultancy services include obtaining feedback from your people about their level of engagement, ideas to improve what you do and how you do it and from your clients about the quality of your service delivery and their suggestions for improvement

Facilitating your away days and weekends, board, team and department meetings.  We  bring no 'baggage' or preconceived ideas and are able to ensure everyone present can contribute fully and keep you on track so that you achieve consensus and the outputs you seek from the session.
Team coaching 
Working with the whole team to raise awareness, increase understanding and manage the dynamics of the team, maximising performance by harnessing individual strengths to achieve the common goal.

Working with Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strengthscope®

Profiling tools can be very valuable particulary if taken in the round, rather than in isolation.  We use MBTI and Strengthscope®. 
We work with other consultants to debrief reports with their clients.

Mediation in the workplace
A structured process to resolve disputes and conflict within your organisation.  We have confidential meetings with those concerned, usually over a half or whole day,  and work with them individually and together to find a constructive way of working going forward.
Working with Families concerning their Businesses and Trusts, and with their professional Advisors
A family business or family trust can be a blessing and sometimes a burden for those involved. For family members they can generate a sense of pride, joy, excitement, duty, responsibility,obligation, frustration,  and a myriad of other emotions and feelings. 

A family business will touch your life even if you don't work in it yourself.  For non-family members working in a family business, relationships between family members can impact upon decisions you make in the business and  those you make about your own career.

All businesses face challenges, but for family businesses the challenge can feel more significant because decisions are not decisions about the business alone, they are decisions that can have long lasting effects on the relationships within the family too.

Family Trusts provide similar challenges -balancing the needs of the current beneficiaries with those of future beneficiaries, and remaining true to the wishes and values of the family member who created the trust.

Sometimes professional advisors focus heavily on the technical question, without giving sufficient consideration to the dynamics within and culture of the family.  They can be disappointed and surprised when the client rejects their beautifully crafted expert advice because "that wouldn't work for us". If you are an advisor with family businesses and family trusts as clients or run a Family Office, we can help you by meeting members of the family to gain greater insight into what's important for that particular family, the culture and values which underpin what the do and how they do it, so enabling you to tailor the advice to their unique circumstances.


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